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How many holiday lets in Cornwall?

There are different figures on the number of holiday lets in Cornwall. But what do we mean by holiday lets?
A holiday let is a property which is let out for a period for use by people for holidays. Whether a property used as a holiday let pays council tax or business rates depends on usage.
Business rates “apply to properties that are used for commercial purposes, specifically for providing short-term accommodation to paying guests. As of April 2023, holiday let business rates only apply if your holiday let meets certain criteria (your property was available to holiday let for 140 nights or more and was actually let for 70 nights or more, in the last 12 months).” [Coast and Country].
This means that the holiday let data from the Valuation Office Agency only covers a specific group. There may be other properties, including second homes, which are also let out for holiday use for certain periods. Analysis of the various holiday let sites would suggest a far higher figure than the VOA figure itself.
Data from the VOA gives the following figures for Cornwall.
It is possible that not all of these properties could be used for permanent use, although an estimate of 90% appears appropriate.
Total figures for the number of properties let out for holiday purposes are not available. We can identify three groups:
Holiday lets on the Business register
Second homes also used as holiday lets (below the threshold)
Other properties used as holiday lets (below the threshold). 
Valuation Office Agency, Cornwall business rates analysis.


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