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4.6%, 5.5%, 6.9% or 11.6% - take your pick! How much of Cornwall is developed?


There are various figures being quoted as to how much of the Cornish land area is developed or built on.

The CEO of Coastline housing in a recent interview (1), stated that “only 4.6 per cent of Cornwall overall is built on”, while the State of Nature (2) report gave a figure of 5.5%. Data from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (3), suggests that developed land accounts for 6.9% of the land area of Cornwall. Analysis of the DLUHC data gives the higher total of 11.6%.

So why the different figures – misinterpretation of the data? Deliberate misquotes? We have to look at definitions and wording here. ‘Built on’ is a little nebulous – does it mean land with actual buildings on it? If so the DLUHC total of 6.9% is the correct figure – this includes all developed land including housing.

If we look at housing in isolation then the figure is 3.9%, consisting of actual land built on (0.7%) and gardens (3.2%). But of course we cannot look at housing in isolation. There is all what we could define as ‘support land’ associated with housing – industry, transport and utilities, and other developed areas. Housing is not some isolated activity, it needs other land to be developed!

To clarify ‘The State of Nature’ report does also have a figure for transport of 2.4%, so with built on at 5.5% producing a total of 7.9%.

To conclude, the total of 6.9% developed is the minimum figure, but 11.6% which takes into account all land which is associated with development is a more realistic figure.


2. Cornwall Wildlife Trust, University of Exeter and Cornwall Council, August 2023, State of Nature – Cornwall 2020.

3. Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities. 27th October 2022, Land Use in England and Land Use Change Statistics.


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Nov 07, 2023
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Will check your data for comparison.

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